Golden Silence Investments (GSI) , is a 100% citizen owned company that was established in 2004. The company was formally registered in 2006 with the objective of providing a fresh and innovative approach to the Engineering industry, particularly construction, through integration of modern technology, professionalism and highest standards. The goal of GSI is to exceed the expectations of every client by offering outstanding customer service, increased flexibility, and greater value, thus optimizing system functionality and improving operation efficiency.

We pride ourselves in providing opportunity and encouragement to help our people reach their full potential and this inspires them to make a difference. Mutual respect provides the foundation for our success in diverse faculties of Engineering. read more





Driven by visionary leadership, GSI aspires to be involved in the greater area of Engineering be it civil, mechanical, Electrical, Information Technology & Instrumentation. GSI offers turnkey solutions to the public, industrial and government sectors

We will create and turn new ideas and concepts , into commercial success and widespread use, with the aim of to give the customer a competitive advantage, thus creating wealth for our customer.


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